Discover our comprehensive range of services and high-quality accessories to meet your requirements. We have everything you need to optimise the use of your Orange X-Press juice machines. From personalised advice to special spare parts – we are your reliable partner.
Service & Accessories.
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Surface foiling
Combine the modules, however you like! Decide on an existing sample design or customise your Orange X-Press juice machine according to your wishes. Thanks to film wrapping, you have the freedom of choice! Our customised surface foils for your juice presses ensure attention and wow moments! The customised foiling and, if required, additional presentation walls inform your customers about the advantages of the Orange X-Press and ensure a high juice yield. We also offer a descriptive user video that shows the operation of the juicer on video monitors, if you wish. The moving image invites you to taste the fresh juice and ‘tap’ the fresh vitamins.
Bottle holder „Bottle Holder“
Our ‘Bottle Holder’ offers space for up to 33 0.25 litre bottles and keeps customers tidy and organised even when there is a rush for fresh juice. The unfilled bottles can be easily removed and filled with fresh juice. Always ready to hand, hygienically and safely stored, presented in a visually appealing way.
Bottle holder „Bottle Fix“
It’s child’s play to bottle fresh orange juice! It works wonderfully with our Bottle Fix. The new bottle holder fixes the bottle to the spout of the juice machine and ensures that everything ends up safely in the bottle without ‘spilling’. No spilling to ensure the yield of valuable juice and protect the surfaces and individual machine parts from juice splashes!

Standard Kit
For oranges
Expand your juice range with the customised Standard Kit for oranges.

Big Fruit Kit
For grapefruit
Expand your juice range with the customised Big Fruit Kit for grapefruit.
No fresh, vitamin-rich, high-quality juice without fresh, high-quality premium fruit! Depending on your taste and the season, you can choose between seven different varieties of the best juice oranges. This means you always have the best fruit in stock for the fresh juice from your Orange X-Press! Of course, our Orange X-Press also presses other citrus fruits just as gently and residue-free! Grapefruit, lemons, limes – the citrus world is colourful and healthy!